Friday, May 11, 2012

Bite This

I just got informed that we will have to go to court over Gracie's dog bite. The worthless neighbors are trying to blame her for the dog biting her. WTF? The owner of the dog has changed his story he is now saying she provoked the dog. Even though the day it happened his story along with her's was the little girl who lives there left the door open and the dog just stuck it's head out and bit her. I don't know what they think will happen by changing stories and fighting it, but all it is going to do is cause problems. Why can't people just admit when they are in the wrong and do what they have to do to make it right? So sick of it! Put your big boy pants on and deal with your punishment!!!!!! They already get away with selling drugs, why push your luck. I guess we will see how this plays out.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

AT&T Strikes Again

How is it that when I pay all our other bills through our bank there isnt an issue? I pay AT&T and they seem to lose misplace or God knows what with our payment. They are a rip off! I can prove through my bank when payment was made, when it came out of our bank and how much, but AT&T needs the bank to show them the same thing I can right now. They want to bully people, well I am done being bullied! I cant handle anything else on my plate. My nerves are all ready stripped down to their core. I am going to snap........SOON
I should have just paid to cancel all my services with them and told them FUCK OFF! I think that is going to be the only way to get out of this mess with this retard company. Every time you speak with a person they give you different information than the last person. They really need to all get on the same page in the same book.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Doesnt Matter

I sit back and think, I know scary, why would a parent act this way? Why would you keep a child away from their other parent? You liked that person enough at some point to have a sexual relationship with and have a child. Since that the relationship between the 2 adults didnt work out does not give 1 parent the right to keep the child from the other parent. You dont have to like that person or even the person they decided to have in their life, but at the very least you should have respect for your child. Put your feelings and thoughts aside and do what is best for the child.
I dont care who likes me and who doesnt. Thats their problem not mine. I wasnt put on this earth to make all others happy. If I was I am SO failing. I do what I think is right for me and my family. I have never even thought bout keeping my kids from their other parent. I have never made money and issue. I care more about their relationship than I do about money. In the end that's what counts. But I guess to some that doesnt really matter.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Over the edge

I have known this day was coming but I hoped it wouldnt. I am supposed to sit by and watch my husband be trashed and treated like crap by hi EX-wife. He is hurt everyday by not getting to see his oldest daughter Eleigha. Not only does this hurt him it hurts Eleigha and our daughter her sister Gracie. I can no longer sit quietly and watch this happen. I have also seen some of the things this "woman" has to say about me. If she were a real woman or mother she wouldnt hurt her child to get back at a man who loves his children more than anything, just to make herself feel better. She moved on with her live while still married to John. Now that she doesnt have him jumping through her hoops and he has moved on with his life she has an issue. It kills me seeing what are supposed to be grown-ups and parents acting this way. In the bigger picture of things the only people honestly getting hurt in this are the children. I have now been taken to a place where I am going to do everything in my power to show her that she needs to think more about her child than herself. Our thoughts and feelings toward each other dont count it's how these children feel and what this is doing to them.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tis The Season

This is the time of year everyone is suppose to be merry and gay, well I'm just not feeling it. I have tried to get myself into the holiday season. And yes I say holiday season because well I can if it offends you not my problem. I have put up our Christmas trees and other decorations hoping that might help, it hasnt. I know I have a lot to be joyful about like a loving hard working husband, great kids and grandkids, a roof over our heads, heat, lights, water, and food.
 I just cant handle seeing those who dont work not because they cant but because they wont get all the things most honest hard working people have to strive and struggle to earn. It really must be nice knowing that there are so many people working hard to make sure these parasitic people will have food, housing, and insurance. When there are children of these hard working people that dont have enough food, decent housing or insurance. I cant just blame these system abusers, our government has allowed these people to take take take. The more they are given the more they want, and it doesnt matter to them who has to go without as long as it's not them.
 They system was created to help those that have fallen on hard times and cant make ends meet. It's suppose to be a short term help to get back on your feet. It's not suppose to be a lifestyle.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bigger Things to Worry About

As I sit reading my Sunday paper, I am caught wondering "Doesnt our government have bigger issues to worry about than this?" I have read articles on a "New Smoking Ban" and "Congress voting on making pizza a vegetable".  We have people without jobs, food, or homes, but let's worry about where people smoke. Our government has got to put what is important to this country and the citizens in it first. I dont believe anyone is waking up wondering "If pizza is a vegetable or not?" Business owners should be the ones deciding if they want to have smoking in their business or not. It is their business. The public has the right to decide if they want to patronize that business.
 Our government has gotten out of control. The issues that are important are being over looked.
I know there are many people out of work collecting unemployment, and I also know many people who make more collecting their unemployment than the jobs out there are paying. How does this make sense? It doesnt. Why look for a job when you can get 99 weeks of unemployment? And our government is thinking about extending the 99 weeks. Why? Because there are no jobs, I beg to differ. It might not be the job you want or like or the pay you once had, but it is a job. I am sure I am pissing people off as they read, but truth hurts. Any job is better than NO job. Being a part of something is better than sitting on the side lines.
This country has got to get it's voice back. For the people by the people is a joke as of now, only we can change that. We have to demand important things like jobs, food,and housing be brought to the for front not in the background. Stop letting our government give themselves pay raises and tax breaks. They should have they same pay they would have had at their "private sector" jobs. Only get paid for the work they do. I never got paid for not doing my job have you?
We the people have gotten lazy! We have allowed government to do as they please. It is past the time for change. A change for good and uprising.  We can not longer sit by and just hope things will get better we HAVE to MAKE things better!
I could go on and on about how our system has failed but I wont. I have rambled enough........for now

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

AHHH Family

I love my family all 900 of them, ok that might be an exaggeration, but only by a few. Just because I love you doesnt mean I have to like or agree with you all the time. We will have our own thoughts and ideas. I may feel a certain way about a certain person doesnt mean you have to agree with me but its my feelings and thoughts and you should at the very least respect that. If you want to disagree with me that is fine, but DO NOT raise your voice at me nor tell me I am wrong. You cant tell me how I feel. My feelings are just that MINE. If you choose to talk to me about it that is fine, just make sure it is the proper place and time. There are somethings that are not meant for a group discussion. Not all family matters need to have the whole family involved. 
We are a hot headed, deep loving, opinionated, and loud, but most important we are FAMILY